Report a Concern

We all have an important role to play in upholding our Standards of Business Conduct.

Keolis Downer is committed to providing ways for our people to report practices or behaviour that are contrary to the Standards of Business Conduct or which may be illegal.

That’s why we have the Business Integrity Policy (Whistleblower) and Our Voice reporting service. The policy is designed to protect you if you report behaviour that is inappropriate, unethical, corrupt or illegal. It sets out what happens when a report is made, as well as how we will protect you when you make a report.

Report a concern – Our Voice

Keolis Downer’s Standards of Business Conduct apply to all of our people, including directors, employees, contractors and agents of Keolis Downer and its subsidiary companies throughout Australia.

There are a number of ways to report any breaches of the Standards of Business Conduct, or any other activity or behaviour which may be inappropriate, unethical, corrupt or illegal. These include:


Our people can make a report to:

  • Their supervisor, manager or head of the business unit
  • Their local human resources advisor or manager

A report can be made to the Our Voice service.

Our Voice is an independent, external service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Anyone can call the Our Voice hotline from anywhere in Australia which Keolis Downer operates to speak with trained specialists who can help you to make a report about any actual or suspected misconduct.

Calls are not recorded or traceable.

Contact Our Voice by any of the following means:


Keolis Downer Our Voice
Reply Paid 12628
A’Beckett Street
Melbourne VIC 8006